Sarah Taub

Cues and Views

Los Angeles event designer and creative director Sarah Taub, in brief.

Sarah Taub

Home: Los Angeles, CA.  Age: 38.  Profession: Designer.  Organization: Fig & Whiskey.  Title: Owner and Creative Director.  Pronouns: She/Her/Hers.  Significant other: Corey Gibbons, my partner in life.  Alma mater: Suffolk University; UCLA.

Latest accomplishment: Recently featured in Better Homes and Gardens.  Latest contribution to others: We donate to the Birthday Party Project on behalf of our clients for each event we design.  What’s been your big (or biggest leap)? Leaving the TV and film industry to start my own business.  Hobbies: Making graze boards, gardening, working out.  Recent travel or adventure: Miami Beach to visit my parents.  And more locally, Underwood Family Farm.  Last book read: Daisy Jones and the Six, by Taylor Jenkins Reid.  Recently viewed and recommended: Severance.  Recent unique acquisition: A warehouse space.

Personality profile: Creative, direct, goofy, kind.  What one word would your closest friend use to describe you? Creative.  Moral compass: My gut.  How do you define a perfect friendship? Balanced.  How do you define an ideal business relationship? Communicative.  What is your greatest joy? My daughter.  What is your greatest fear? A plane crash.  What word or phrase do you use far too often? For sure, 100%, absolutely.  What natural talent have you neglected? Dancing.  What is your favorite place (or way) to spend money? On a really good meal.  What is at the top of your bucket list? Exploring southeast Asia.  What ingredient is essential to your perfect vacation? Swimming and great food.

What three emojis best describe you? 🥳💄💪.

What was your favorite college course? 2D rendering and color theory.  What book have you repeatedly read? Nightbitch, by Rachel Yoder.  What’s prominently featured on your home or office wall? A Gray Malin photograph of woman’s hand holding a piece of cake in an airplane window.  Besides your parents, who has had the greatest influence on your life? My daughter and my grandmother.  What’s the best advice you received in your career? You will never stop learning.  What modern technology innovation do you most appreciate?[Command] C, [Command] V.  And, of course, the internet.  What is your favorite app? Canva (though I might get quite a bit of flack for that).  What is your go-to source of creative inspiration? Wes Anderson movies, any art musuem and children's books.  What company or organization do you most admire? Martha Stewart Living.  What world event has had the greatest influence on your life? Covid.  What personal circumstance has had the greatest influence on your life? Motherhood.  I thought I was good at multitasking before...

What change are you working on to effect in your profession or field? I would like people to be more understanding and practice kindness more freely.  What message do you want to send out into the world? Listen with an open mind and open heart.  It's our differences that make life more interesting.

Who would you like to spend an evening with, in heaven? My grandmother.  As a kid, what did you first want to be when you grew up? A dancer.  What advice would you give your younger self? A challenging path will only make you better.  What period in your life would you do differently, if you could? None.  All of it has led to becoming the person I am today.

Personal mission: Curating beautiful memories, making life lovelier.  Personal motto: It’s cool to be kind.  Favorite quote: “Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.  Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it” (Roald Dahl).

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