Dudley Gann

Cues and Views

Green technology expert Dudley Gann, in brief.

August 8, 2024
3 Minutes
Dudley Gann

Home: Garden City, NY.  Age: 41, though I like to think I have the energy of someone a decade younger.  Birthplace: Syracuse, NY.  Profession: Green technology and sustainable consulting.  Organization: EcoVision Solutions.  Title: Founder and Managing Director.  Significant other: My college sweetheart, Emily.  

Current project: Leading several innovative projects focused on integrating cutting-edge sustainable technologies into mainstream business practices.  Recent recognition: A young environmentalist I mentored recently shared how my guidance helped shape her own career in green technology.  Recent professional development: Attended a major green technology conference where I moderated a panel on the future of renewable energy integration and its impact on global supply chains.  Latest accomplishment: Successfully launching a new initiative at EcoVision Solutions that helps small and medium-sized enterprises adopt green technologies.  Hobbies: Hiking and exploring nature, woodworking.  Recent travel or adventure: Traveled to Costa Rica to explore and assess innovative green technology projects in the region. I also took some time to hike through the country’s beautiful rainforests.  Recent unique acquisition: A vintage collection of environmental science books from the early 20th century.

Personality profile: Myer Briggs ENTJ (Extrovert, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging). Also known as “The Commander.”  Moral compass: I believe in making choices that benefit both the environment and society.  What is your greatest joy? Spending quality time with my family and seeing my children develop a passion for sustainability, just like their mother and me.  What is your greatest fear? Failing to make a significant impact in the fight against climate change.  We have to leave a healthier planet for my children’s generation and beyond.  What natural talent have you neglected? Design and architecture.  I considered becoming an architect at one point in my life.  What occupation, other than your own, do you most admire? Educators. They are shaping the minds of future generations.  What is your favorite place (or way) to spend money? International trips with my family.  I love taking my kids out of their comfort zone, introducing them to new cultures and ways of seeing the world.  What is your go-to workout? Cycling.

What was your first paying job? Walking dogs in my neighborhood.  What was your favorite college course? An English class on the works of Tolkein.  What book have you repeatedly read? East of Eden, by John Steinbeck.  What’s prominently featured on your home or office wall? A vintage topographic map of New York.  What’s the best advice you received growing up? Always pursue your passions, with dedication and integrity.  What modern technology innovation do you most appreciate? Breakthroughs in electric vehicle battery life that have made them more practical and appealing for everyday use.  What is your go-to source of creative inspiration? Spending time outdoors, whether it be a two-week backpacking trip or a quick walk through the park.

What is your big idea?

Establish a global network of eco-innovation hubs to accelerate the development and scaling of sustainable technologies.

What change are you working on to effect in your profession or field? Advancing the integration of cutting-edge green technologies into mainstream business practices.  My goal is to make sustainable solutions both more accessible and impactful.  What change would you like to see in the world? That sustainable practices are the norm, rather than the exception.  What widely held belief do you reject? That it’s too late to make a change.  There’s still time to innovate and shift towards more sustainable and responsible practices.  What mega-trend most excites you? The development of more efficient and affordable photovoltaic panels.

What actor would you choose to play you in the movie about your life? Harrison Ford.  Who would you like to spend an evening with, in heaven? Carl Sagan.  As a kid, what did you first want to be when you grew up? An astronaut.  I was fascinated by space and the idea of exploring new frontiers.  After your loved ones, what object would you first save from your burning home? My grandfather’s old leather briefcase that has a collection of his personal notes and letters inside.  What advice would you give your younger self? Embrace every challenge as an opportunity to learn.  What day in your life would you choose to re-live? The day I first brought my children home from the hospital.  It was a profoundly emotional experience, full of joy and hope for the future.  What period in your life would you do differently, if you could? My early years in business, which I’d approach with a bit more patience.

Personal mission: To drive meaningful change through green technology, ensuring that sustainability becomes a core principle for businesses and individuals.  Personal motto: Innovate with purpose, lead with integrity.  Favorite quote: “The best way to predict the future is to invent it” (Alan Kay).

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