Home: Seattle, WA. Age: Older than everyone thinks. Profession: Helping people break through the hidden barriers blocking their path to a better future. Organization: Revolve You. Title: Executive Coach / Author / Speaker / Human Change Engineer. Significant other: Still looking. Alma mater: Oregon State University; University of California, Berkeley.
Current project: Publishing my next book; launching my next podcast. Recent recognition: Gratitude from a client for helping her improve her personal and professional life. And then, earning another executive client thanks to her referral. Latest accomplishment: Maintaining a daily morning yoga and meditation routine for thirty 30 days. What’s been your big (or biggest leap)? Committing the time and resources to researching and developing a methodology to help people get through adversity and disruptive change faster and easier. Hobbies: Hanging with my kids, beach volleyball, reinventing most anything. Last book read: Man’s Search for Meaning, by Viktor Frankl.
Personality profile: Energetic, creative, active; social butterfly with a serious nerd streak and a knack for inspiring people to try new and embrace change. What one word would your closest friend use to describe you? Courageous. How do you define a perfect friendship? Lots of shared laughs, endless support and fearless truth telling. What is your greatest joy? Hearing my kids laugh with each other. What is your guilty pleasure? A cookie with my morning coffee. What is your favorite place (or way) to spend money? Treasure hunting at second hand stores, especially vintage stores. How do you relieve stress? Escaping to the beach through meditation; hugs from my kids, long runs.
What movie(s) have you repeatedly watched? Top Gun, Emma, Holiday Inn. What’s prominently featured on your home or office wall? Notes to myself reminding me how to show up with gratitude, curiosity and balance. Besides your parents, who has had the greatest influence on your life? My children, hands down. What is your go-to source of creative inspiration? Exploring something new, whether a part of life I know nothing about, or taking on a project I don’t know how to do, or meeting someone outside of my usual circles. What personal circumstance has had the greatest influence on your life? My daughter’s birth and all of twists, turns, joys, lessons, challenges and reaching beyond what I believed possible that has followed ever since.
Humans have over-rotated towards protection and preservation while forgetting the other side of their greatness – the ability to explore, overcome and transform. The human capacity for rising through adversity and finding balance in the midst of change is called “humergence”.
What change would you like to see in the world? That everyone might understand how to calm their defenses and lean into their innate ability to adapt and collaborate. What message do you want to send out into the world? Being resilient isn’t enough; to rise through the challenges before us, we must emerge to become a version of self that is better equipped to thrive in the changing conditions of life.
Who would you like to spend an evening with, in heaven? My mom’s mom. There is so much I would love to ask her, but she died before I understood just how much she had to hide due to gender role limitations and expectations. As a kid, what did you first want to be (or do) when you grew up? I wanted to design the first neighborhood in space. What advice would you give your younger self? Believe in infinite possibilities and get curious about what you might be missing. What period in your life would you do differently, if you could? So many and none. Mistakes made and lessons learned have contributed to who I am today. Life is a collection of experiences in which the good, the bad and the mundane mix together seamlessly and morph as time goes on.
Personal mission: To inspire others to see beyond their limits. Personal motto: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a beautiful day. Favorite quote: “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you are right” (Henry Ford).