Sarah Schielke

Cues and Views

Civil rights lawyer Sarah Schielke, in brief.

 Sarah Schielke

Home: Fort Collins, CO.  Age: 40.  Birthplace: Rochester, NY.  Profession: Trial attorney; civil rights and criminal defense lawyer.  Organization: The Life & Liberty Law Office.  Title: Owner/Principal Attorney.  Pronouns: She/Her/Hers.  Significant other: My husband Dirk.  Alma mater: Middlebury College (B.A.); Boston University School of Law (J.D.).

Current project: Educating the public about police corruption in DUI enforcement, spreading awareness of abuse of power; fighting in the Colorado legislature to make bodyworn cameras mandatory and muting/turning on/off prohibited.  Recent professional development: Settled a client’s wrongful DUI arrest lawsuit for $400,000.  Latest accomplishment: USA Today Woman of the Year 2023 Honoree – Colorado.  Latest contribution to others: Mentoring, teaching and leading other young women.  What’s been your big (or biggest leap)? Starting my own law practice and building my own law office building, each in my own, unique way.  Hobbies: Live music, coaching soccer, praying for the Buffalo Bills.  Recent travel or adventure: Saw concerts at The Sphere in Las Vegas which were amazing.  Last book read: Red Rising (trilogy), by Pierce Brown.  Recently viewed and recommended: The Castle (1999 Australian movie).  Recent unique acquisition: Sneakers! The ’97 Nike Air Terra Humaras (which I wore in high school) was just re-released. I bought 10 pair. 

Personality profile: Smart, determined, warm, fun, funny, engaging, passionate, fearless.  What one word would your closest friend use to describe you? Extra.  Moral compass: Have goals. Make sure that what you’re spending your time on furthers your goals.  Only take up side quests if they’re hilarious.  How do you define a perfect friendship? Shared, identical expectations and understanding as to how much we love, enjoy, and will do for each other, no matter what happens in our lives outside the friendship.  Inside jokes, laughter, and play for days.  What is your greatest joy? Having fun, laughter, and closeness with the people I love.  What is your greatest fear? Missing out on important shared experiences.  What word or phrase do you use far too often? Pop pop.  What natural talent have you neglected? Creative writing, piano.  What are you known for among your family and friends?  Always having a confetti cannon with me (just in case).  Professional grade, perfectly timed confetti pops at weddings, concerts, and parties.  What occupation, other than your own, do you most admire? Public defender.

What three emojis best describe you? 🤗🎉🤓.

What is your favorite place (or way) to spend money? Concerts and travel.  How do you relieve stress? Dance parties.  What ingredient is essential to your perfect vacation? Trying new food.  What’s a little known fact about you? I used to be VERY into video games, and in my early 20s I competed nationally and was at one point ranked 7th best female at Guitar Hero. This did NOT turn out to be a very worthwhile or transferable skill. 

What was your first paying job? Selling sneakers at Finish Line.  What book have you repeatedly read? Matilda, by Roald Dahl.  What movie have you repeatedly watched? The Castle.  What’s prominently featured on your home or office wall? Huge neon pink wall art that says: “IT’S LAW. IT’S JUSTICE. IT’S THE VIBE.” (a quote from The Castle).  Besides your parents, who has had the greatest influence on your life? Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  What modern technology innovation do you most appreciate? Bodyworn cameras on cops.  What company or organization do you most admire? Trial By Human, a national trial lawyer organization filled with some of the most extraordinarily smart and talented lawyers I’ve ever met.   

What personal circumstance has had the greatest influence on your life? My dad died of esophageal cancer when I was 27.  He was my coach and my idol growing up.  He went pretty quick.  Processing that loss and figuring out who I’d become on other side of it completely changed the trajectory of my life, how I live, how I love, and my relationship with time. 

What change are you working on to effect in your profession or field? We’ve come a long way (in Colorado especially) in making bodyworn cameras on police mandatory, but we still have a long way to go and I will continue to fight in the state legislature and in the courtroom to change this.  What change would you like to see in the world? The end of qualified immunity for police and then end of absolute immunity for prosecutors.  What message do you want to send out into the world? Every time you feel like you have no idea what you’re doing, realize that your parents necessarily had that feeling just as often too.  What insight would you like to share? A dispute or disagreement only becomes “personal” if you let it. Conflict that is “personal” guarantees extra drain on both time and energy.  Everything is more fun and there are way more solutions on the table when you don’t let it become personal. 

As a kid, what did you first want to be when you grew up? A librarian during the day and a comedian at night.  After your loved ones, what object would you first save from your burning home? Our sneaker collection (my husband and I are both sneaker heads).  How would you choose to spend tomorrow, if you knew it was your last day on earth? With my husband and kids, my brothers, my closest friends, listening to music, floating on the lake, fishing, dancing, talking and laughing.  What advice would you give your younger self? Find the kids who love to create and who are already passionate about something. Connect your life to theirs. They may seem weird or uncool now, but they all grow up to be the best adults to know and have as 

Personal reflection: The people with goodness in their hearts, who live with joy, will always be glad I showed up. The people who are up to some shit, will not.  Favorite quote: “We save the world by being alive ourselves (Joseph Campbell).  Desired epitaph: She brought joy and laughter to our homes, she brought terror and accountability to our city governments, she left us with pieces of confetti in our hair. Her vibe was always right, she changed the world by being her.

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