A non-refundable fee of $299 covers the initial review of your application to ensure the story you seek to tell is consistent with our editorial standards and service. Except in very rare cases, all In Motion articles are approved for publication and the initial review fee is then applied toward the total cost of producing an article on your behalf. In Motion fees average $1,500 and are ultimately determined by the amount of time required to work collaboratively with you to produce, publish and optimize the final article, as well as by the seniority of the Editor selected or assigned to endorse your story. An initial fee quotation and scope of work will be provided before we begin. The total fee covers the publication, hosting and optimization of your article for one year. An annual renewal fee of $99 includes continued hosting and the opportunity once per year to submit updates to your content (subject to review) and/or change your digital images. You can cancel your renewal at any time by e-mailing us at submissions@principalpost.com.